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Chair's report

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Chair's report

In this, our 60th year, the Queensland Council of Social Service has transformed the way we deliver on our mission of equality, opportunity, and wellbeing for every Queenslander, in every community - in a spirit of partnership with our Members and other stakeholders. 

Simply, as a membership organisation we aim to represent the mission and purpose of the social services sector in everything we do.

Like all of our member organisations, QCOSS has been through a period of immense upheaval, both in responding to the global pandemic, and also through a significant organisational redesign. This has positioned the organisation to be able to respond more effectively to the needs of our Members and the community. 

In February we said farewell to our long-serving CEO, Mark Henley. Mark led QCOSS with a steady hand for almost 9 years, and I would like to acknowledge the legacy that he has left behind - a thriving organisation with a very clear purpose and meaningful relationships. I know that the current board, and the Directors over the last 9 years have greatly appreciated the opportunity to work with such a wonderful and humble leader. 

We welcomed our new CEO, Aimee McVeigh, to QCOSS in late February. Before joining us, Aimee forged a career in the legal profession representing people seeking equality and led the successful campaign for the introduction of a Human Rights Act in Queensland. She has made an impact early in her time leading the organisation. 

On behalf of the board, I would like to thank the amazing team at QCOSS for their continued commitment and dedication to providing advocacy and policy outcomes, education, and valuable resources to the sector.

I would also like to acknowledge the ongoing support from the Queensland Government, the Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors, and our corporate sponsors whose support is crucial in helping QCOSS lead as the Peak Body for the Social and Community Services sector.

Most importantly, as a proud membership organisation of more than 60 years and part of a national social services movement, I would like to thank our Members. Without your continued support, QCOSS simply would not be able to dedicate such significant time and energy into lobbying and advocacy for societal change. 

I look forward to continuing to work with you all to have a lasting effect on the lives of all Queenslanders.

QCOSS Board Chair Matt Gardiner

Matt Gardiner

QCOSS Board Chair

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