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CEO's report

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CEO's report

Key political milestones saw 2021-22 finish strongly for QCOSS and our members, with the federal election in May 2022 and Queensland Budget in June 2022 driving extensive advocacy for more social housing investment, increases to income support payments and cost of living relief.

These advocacy moments came after 12 months of deep engagement and consultation with our members and the wider sector, as we confirmed policy priorities for government. QCOSS welcomed the election of a new federal government and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, drawing attention to the potential for him to use his experience growing up in public housing as a motivation for ensuring all children have a roof over their head.


In June, we celebrated the Queensland Government’s funding announcement of ongoing support for neighbourhood and community centres. We also welcomed announcements of increased frontline services for youth housing, the extension of financial support to young Queenslanders leaving out-of-home care until they are 21 years old, and cost of living support for low-income families. We were pleased that in June, the Treasurer,
Hon Cameron Dick MP, invited QCOSS to discussions to increase the level of indexation applied to community service funded contracts, in recognition of increased costs of doing business.

"It was disappointing that, despite the worsening housing crisis, the Queensland Government made no further commitment to increasing investment in social housing."


Aimee McVeigh

Chief Executive Officer

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Our strength is in raising our voices together. In April, QCOSS together with 11 partners, relaunched our Town of Nowhere campaign. This year, many of our networks have made invaluable contributions to our advocacy. Our CEO Network has worked on the procurement of community services and appropriate indexation of funding. Our Women’s Equality Network informed our submission to the Queensland Government’s Women’s Strategy. Both the Quality Collaboration Network and the Research and Evaluation Network advanced our sector’s collaboration on the role of data, outcomes measurement and governance in building a strong and sustainable sector.

It is always powerful to see the sector come together in person. In June, our 2022 Budget Breakfast welcomed 310 guests for an early morning budget update by the Treasurer, Hon Cameron Dick MP. Throughout the year, our In Conversation series brought the sector together with leading Queensland policy makers, including Attorney-General Hon Shannon Fentiman MP, Under Treasurer Leon Allen, and Dr Chris Sarra, Director-General, Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships.

The next 12 months will see more opportunities to raise our voices together as we seek to achieve equality, opportunity and wellbeing for all people, in all communities. Cost of living pressures, in the context of the ongoing housing crisis, will challenge Queenslanders’ resilience. We need more services across Queensland, especially to support young people. 

The incredible work of our members is our source of inspiration and hope. Thank you for striving each day to make Queensland a fairer, more equal place.

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